News and Mass Times

14th & 15th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2024

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time & St Peter and St Paul 2024

10th & 11th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2024

Holy Trinity & Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 2024

7th Sunday of Easter & Pentecost Sunday 2024

5th & 6th Sundays of Easter 2024

3rd & 4th Sundays of Easter 2024

Easter Sunday & 2nd Sunday of Easter 2024

Palm Sunday & Easter 2024

3rd & 4th Sundays in Lent 2024

1st & 2nd Sundays in Lent 2024

5th & 6th Sundays in Ordinary Time

3rd & 4th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2024

Epiphany of The Lord & 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024

4th Sunday of Advent & The Holy Family 2023

2nd & 3rd Sundays of Advent 2023

Christ the King and 1st Sunday of Advent 2023

32nd and 33rd Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

30th and 31st Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

28th and 29th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

26th & 27th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

24th & 25th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

22nd & 23rd Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

August 2023

16th & 17th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

14th & 15th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

12th & 13th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ & Holy Communion Sunday 2023

Pentecost & Holy Trinity 2023

6th & 7th Sundays of Easter 2023

4th & 5th Sundays of Easter 2023

2nd & 3rd Sundays of Easter 2023

Passion Sunday & Easter Sunday 2023

4th & 5th Sundays of Lent 2023

2nd & 3rd Sundays of Lent 2023

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time & 1st Sunday of Lent 2023

4th & 5th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

3rd & 4th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2023

The Baptism of The Lord & 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2023

Christmas 2022 and Mary, Mother of God 2023

3rd & 4th Sundays in Advent 2022

1st & 2nd Sundays in Advent 2022

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time & Feast of Christ The King 2022

31st & 32nd Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

29th & 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

27th & 28th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

25th & 26th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

23rd & 24th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

Newsletter for August 2022

17th & 18th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

15th & 16th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

Immaculate Heart of Mary & 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

Holy Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi 2022

7th Sunday of Easter and Pentecost Sunday 2022

5th & 6th Sundays of Easter 2022

3rd Sunday of Easter and Good Shepherd Sunday 2022

Easter Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday 2022

5th Sunday in Lent and Palm Sunday 2022

3rd & 4th Sundays in Lent 2022

1st & 2nd Sundays in Lent 2022

7th & 8th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

5th & 6th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

3rd & 4th Sundays in Ordinary Time 2022

Baptism of the Lord & 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022

Christmas, The Holy Family & Second Sunday of Christmas 2021-2022

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